Cairt Bhùthan

Return Policy

All products furnished by 3Energy Poland Sp Z.o.o. (“Seller”) shall be in accordance with the following terms unless otherwise stated in writing:


Feumar sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air a h-uile toradh taobh a-staigh seachd (7) latha mìosachain bho gheibhear e. Ma lorgar milleadh sam bith, feumar tagradh a chuir a-steach leis an Neach-reic agus feumar làn aithisg mun mhilleadh a chuir air adhart chun Neach-reic.

Poileasaidh Tilleadh.

In the event your fuel is damaged, a claim must be filed with the Seller within (7) days of receipt in order to receive a replacement of the damaged goods. If a replacement is not available, a refund of only the goods that are damaged will be given. The damaged goods must be returned upon replacement.

Poileasaidh Cur dheth Òrdugh

Tha (2) sheachdain aig ceannaiche bhon cheann-latha òrduigh gus òrdugh a chuir dheth le làn-aisig air ais. 

Force Majeure.

Cha bhith an neach-reic cunntachail airson dàil sam bith ann an lìbhrigeadh no coileanadh, no airson neo-lìbhrigidh no neo-choileanadh, gu h-iomlan no ann am pàirt, air adhbhrachadh le tachartas sam bith taobh a-muigh smachd an Neach-reic, a’ toirt a-steach, gun chuingealachadh, aimhreit no gnìomh eile de eas-ùmhlachd shìobhalta. , gnìomh nàmhaid poblach, ceannairc, fàilligeadh no dàil ann an còmhdhail, gnìomh riaghaltais sam bith no buidheann no fo-roinn dheth, gnìomh breithneachaidh, connspaid saothair, tubaist, teine, tuil, stoirm no gnìomh eile le Dia, gainnead saothair, connadh , stuth amh, no inneal no fàilligeadh teignigeach, far a bheil an Neach-reic air cùram àbhaisteach a chleachdadh gus casg a chuir air. Ma thachras cùis-èiginn mar sin, faodaidh an Neach-reic cinneasachadh agus lìbhrigeadh a riarachadh am measg luchd-ceannach an Neach-reic ann an dòigh sam bith a tha an Neach-reic a’ meas reusanta.

Àicheadh Barantas.

Tha ceannaiche ag aideachadh (i) nach eil a h-uile connadh bith-chonnadh iomchaidh airson a chleachdadh anns a h-uile inneal agus gu bheil e an urra ris a’ Cheannaiche dearbhadh gu bheil na Toraidhean iomchaidh airson an cleachdadh ann an inneal Ceannaiche; (ii) faodaidh na toraidhean atharrachadh ann an susbaint agus feartan losgaidh; agus (iii) tha e an urra ris a’ Cheannaiche na Toraidhean a stòradh gu ceart ann an àite tioram gus nach bi iad a’ gabhail a-steach taiseachd a bharrachd. CHAN EIL an neach-reic a’ dèanamh, AGUS leis an seo, ag àicheadh, GACH ATHARRACHADH AGUS BHARANTAS DE sheòrsa sam bith, ge bith co-dhiù a tha e air a chur an cèill, GNÌOMHACH no reachdail, a’ gabhail a-steach, GUN CHUINGEACHADH, BARANTAS GNÌOMHACHAIS A thaobh ion-roghnachd agus ion-roghnachd.


No products may be returned without prior written approval of Seller. Orders accepted by Seller may be canceled by Buyer only with the written consent of Seller and upon Buyer’s reimbursement of Seller for all losses, damages, costs, lost profits and expenses arising from such cancellation. Any deposits made by Buyer for orders accepted by Seller, and which are subsequently cancelled by Buyer, are not refundable. Seller shall have the right to cancel any order placed, or to refuse, or to delay, the shipment thereof for failure of Buyer to make all payments when due to Seller, or any other reasonable requirements established by Seller, or for any acts or omissions of Buyer that delay Seller’s performance. In the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of Buyer, or in the event any proceeding is brought by or against Buyer, voluntarily or involuntarily, under any provision of the EU. Bankruptcy Code or any other insolvency law, Seller shall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding.

* Method of refund – Instore
* Product condition – Must the item be new in box
* Charges, if any – No Charge Fee for Returns

3Energy Poland sp. z 0.0.

Address: Szczypkowice 25, 76-220 Glówczyce



Tax Id: 8431619872

Krs: 0000760092

Vat No: Pl9522195852



mearachd: Tha susbaint air a dhìon !!
gdScottish Gaelic
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